Week 2 of Pittsburgh Marathon training is all said and done. HOLLA. Here’s how I’ve progressed this week:
How I’m feeling this week:
Tired again. More like fatigued. By night time, I feel as though I’ve had the wind knocked out of me. I think my body is definitely still adjusting to the mileage (which totaled 19.6 miles this week). I am not sore (yet), but my legs still hurt. I’ve got some shin splints happening in both legs, plus my feet are hurting as well. I am experiencing toe pain like I did last year, too. I’ve been practicing some things that should help, which I’ll be recapping next Sunday. Hopefully by then I will be feeling better. Until then — ICE!
What I ran this week:
- Tuesday 1/24: 4.00 miles, 46:00 (11:29 average pace), treadmill
- Thursday 1/26: 4.60 miles, 1:00:06 (13:02 average pace), treadmill (walked for 10 minutes)
- Saturday 1/28: 4.00 miles, 48:39 (12:09 average pace), road (including hills and a bit of walking)
- Sunday 1/29: 7.00 miles, 1:13:55 (10:33 average pace), track and road (including hills)
TOTAL: 19.60 miles, 3:48:41 (on par with my training schedule)
I’m really happy with my 10:33 average pace today. I am definitely getting back in the groove. You know how else I can tell I am getting back into fighting shape? As soon as I started running long distances, I noticed that the first 3ish miles are hard. Then once you hit about 4 or so you get into your running groove. Very strange. At the end of my runs I feel the best (I think this is partly mental though because 1) I know I have MANY more miles to go in training total and 2) I know it’s the end of my run and I can go home and take a hot shower.) Also this week I walked a bit. I am kind of anti-walking when you’re on a run, because when I start walking I want to KEEP walking. But only allowing myself quick 10-second breaks really help when you need it. Especially after a tough hill (Saturday) or when you just are so over the treadmill and dealing with a fast food hangover (Thursday).
How I cross-trained this week:
Nothing. Major fail. (Last week, I talked about my upcoming business trip, which was this past Wednesday. Being in the car + eating junk + getting home after 8 p.m. = I laid in bed immediately when I got home.) I won’t beat myself up about it, but I need to plan better for the weeks ahead because cross training is a pivotal part of injury prevention.
What I ate this week:
Lots of water. I notice I am a lot more thirsty now. Last night I drank two beers but made sure to drink about 5 waters after to balance myself out. On my business trip day I ate terribly; I was ravenous and ate fast food twice on the road. It made me ill the next day which did not bode well for Thursday’s run. Now I know that cutting the junk is going to be so important as the days go on. Bonus: Today I am far less hungry than last Sunday. I ate normally today which I plan on doing for Sundays to come as best I can. Just because I am going to run many miles, doesn’t give me the green light to gorge on anything I want (MOST of the time 🙂 ). I need to get smarter about carbs.
{That there above is Nuun. I bought it at Fleet Feet a few months ago, and drank some again this morning before my run. Nuun are hydration tablets that are about 6 calories and contain electrolytes. I plan on drinking these babies all of my training (in addition to my Coconut Water) to stay hydrated without a lot of sugar or calories.}
{I’ve always read chocolate milk is also a good recovery drink. Runner’s World suggests to drink it after a run, so I added some chocolate sauce to my almond milk for a delicious post-run drink. So far, I am liking it.}
Roadblocks this week:
Wednesday, if you haven’t guessed by now. That was it, though. I braved the outdoors the last two days and didn’t have to deal with snow and too-frigid temps. Just some wind today. Also, dealing with getting enough energy to run and my hurt legs has been hard.
Goals for the week ahead:
Treat my shin splints. Ice at least three times plus STRETCH after every run. Increase my mileage (next Sunday will be 8!). Get new running shoes and inserts. Also, I have a lot going on after work this week which means I may have to do some weekday runs BEFORE work. Have mercy.
This week’s running topic: Where to run
Treadmill vs. roads vs. tracks vs. trails. Outside vs. inside. What is best? I am no running expert, but I will talk about what I think is best. Given that I am training for a marathon on the roads and bridges of the city of Pittsburgh, I have to train for THAT. So, lots of outdoor running on roads, and more importantly, HILLS. I have heard Pittsburgh can get hilly. I’ve run half of it and made it out alive, so I know what to expect. But I am making sure to incorporate hills whenever I am outdoors so my legs and lungs get stronger. I need to build endurance. Also, once I hit about 10 miles, I am planning on running more of the city on the weekends. The last two half marathons I ran 10 miles of the course on my last (or few of my last) long runs before race day. Nothing can prepare you more for your race by training on the actual course. But I also feel it’s important to train on a variety of courses so you can really get prepared. Sometimes I am forced on the treadmill if it’s too cold/dark/icy/rainy/snowy. That’s the nature of the climate I live in. And sometimes, a trail run will be introduced to change things up and train my body to be ready for anything. Right now, I am doing treadmill during the week and roads/track/trails on the weekends. Throw in some bridges and I am ready for race day!
Bonus round:
Don’t forget the hashtag! #LRAM (for Let’s Run a Marathon). Also, what did you think of the new playlist?
Past recaps:
Week 1
Pre-training post with my training schedule
bearrunner says
Use the Nuun, I love them!
Deanna says
They are yummy
Russell Dunkin says
Not sure if it’ll help shins, but I swear by KT Tape for my plantar fasciitis. The new version lasts for days, so don’t let the $20 a roll scare you off.
As for me, I get outside anytime I can. Only deep snow, ice, or cold rain keep me inside.
Deanna says
I will have to look into that. Thanks for the tip!
And definitely agree with you about outdoors. I like running in cold & rain (I think I was conditioned during my lacrosse days). I just don’t run in the dark, which makes it difficult to run outside after work during daylight savings.
Ris says
I definitely prefer running outside to running on the treadmill, but during the winter in Pittsburgh that only happens once or twice a week. The good news is that the days are getting longer and after work runs will be possible sooner rather than later!
Deanna says
YES. Can’t wait for daylight savings!!