I’m always fascinated at what people do in the mundane, day-to-day life. Maybe that’s why I miss blogging of yesteryear (aka 2009) and how that’s what it was — what you ate, what you did, low-quality photos, etc. Now, with how much social media has changed, everything is very curated and beautiful and only highlights. So I thought I’d do a 2009 style blog post and a day in the life, from a random day last week (cue The Beatles). Some of my favorite bloggers like Jessica of How Sweet Eats and Teri of A Foodie Stays Fit have done this recently, so I’m totally copying. Here goes…
5:25 a.m. My wrist starts vibrating (love this featured on the Fitbit) — time to wake up.
5:30 a.m. Out of bed and grab a quick shower and dry shampoo (da best) and get ready/pack a bag for work/watch the morning news.
6:10 a.m. Head downstairs and unload dishwasher, pour a bottle full of ice water with lemon, grab my breakfast and lunch bag I pre-packed the night before, and take some dry cleaning to my car.
6:20 a.m. Leave the house and head down to the Strip District.
7:00 a.m. BarreAmped class. My new favorite! Signed up via ClassPass.
8:00 a.m. Freshen up a bit (luckily, I don’t sweat really in barre so I can afford to skip a post-shower if I don’t have access to one), change and head over to a parking lot to park my car. Parking is free before 8 in the Strip, so I only have to pay once. Score.
8:10 a.m. Walk over to a coffee shop and grab coffee. We make coffee at home most days, but once a week or so I get coffee to go. On the way to coffee I run into a college friend and chat for a few minutes. Also, it’s raining in Pittsburgh. A COMPLETE SHOCK (haha, I wish I was kidding), so I am also toting my super cool umbrella.
8:35 a.m. Arrive at work and fire up my computer while I sip coffee and check emails, and look at social media. Also dig into my breakfast, which is yogurt, granola and blueberries. Been trying a new cashew yogurt in an effort to reduce the amount of dairy I’m consuming, and this brand is delish. Also, I am obsessed with Aldi’s oats and honey protein granola. So tasty. Most days I have either a smoothie or yogurt with fruit for breakfast.
9:00-12:30 Tackle the day’s to-dos and take some calls. It’s a pretty typical work day. Working on some direction for a designer to create some advertising materials, and moving some projects forward, and pitching since yesterday was a wash for trying to reach anyone, since all was focused on the Royal Baby, Waffle House shooting and awful van incident in Toronto. So sad, yet in PR/social media, major news always affects your day and if you should scale back your efforts. Anyways, yesterday afternoon I re-did my master to-do list so I have a fresh list to work off of. This keeps me organized and sane. I should write a separate post about how I write all my to-dos.
12:30 p.m. Desk lunch. So glamorous! I cooked up some zoodles and chicken sausage this past Sunday, so I heat that up. When it’s not freezing or raining, I try to take a quick break every day to take a walk and get some exercise, and try to eat my lunch outside in the warmer months to get some Vitamin D. Today is not one of those mid-day walk days but luckily I parked far enough away that I can get some exercise going to and from work.
1:00-5:45 p.m. More work and calls. My coworker and I are planning a Twitter chat for one of our clients tomorrow, so we sync up on that. Also move more projects along and work on pitching and finding new journalists to reach out to. Keep checking emails and social media for news (oh and memes, fashion blogger Instagram stories (WHY do I keep watching those?) and dog accounts, let’s be serious). I try to drink lots of water during the day and today, make an afternoon cup of green tea, and eat a handful of cashews. At the end of the day, I look at the next day and prioritize things that need to get done. I always feel better leaving the office when I have a plan for the next day.
5:50 p.m. Leave work, walk back to my car and hit the road while hopping on a monthly board call for PRSA Pittsburgh. I am on the public service committee this year, so we give an update on the non-profit we’re working with. I try to attend these meetings in person but I have some errands to run tonight and a busy next two weeks, so trying to maximize my time and multi-task. Commuting-wise, I split my time between driving and taking the bus. If I take the bus, I usually listen to music on Spotify, a podcast (currently love No Limits with Rebecca Jarvis and Skimm’d from the Couch), or read my current book.
6:15 p.m. Run a few errands including dropping off said dry cleaning.
6:45 p.m. Arrive home.
6:45-8:00 p.m. Still on the call for the next half or, so while I am listening, I fold laundry from yesterday and finish up some spring closet organizing I started over the weekend. Then, I prep dinner which is thankfully pretty much done since I made a big pot of minestrone soup on Sunday, so I heat that up on the stove and also cook us up some grilled cheese sandwiches to go with the soup. Since it’s raining, it’s a perfect night for this comfort meal. Now I can have my dairy.
8:00 p.m. Dinner time! My husband I typically eat late, between 7 and 8:30 every night. By the time we’re done working, cooking, working out, whatever we’re doing after work, that’s the time that works for us. I prefer eating late anyway. I should live in Europe. Also, I tape Jeopardy every night because I am that cool, so we usually watch Jeopardy and eat. I also keep an eye on work emails to make sure I am not missing anything.
8:45 p.m. We’ve been watching The Wire and finish the last episode of season 2. SO GOOD.
9:45 p.m. Do the dishes and clean up the kitchen. I usually tidy up at least twice a day so our house is usually pretty clean and organized. If it’s not, it will keep me up at night. (Again, I am SO COOL.) Also prep my smoothie and pack my lunch for the next morning.
10:15 p.m. Head upstairs and get ready for bed/wash my face, etc. We usually watch TV before bed and are sleeping by 10:30 or 11. I set my alarm for 5:45 the next morning for a morning run. Time to do it all again!