I’m all for breakfast, but I’m more for sleeping. So, after hitting snooze 76 times in the morning, I get dressed as fast as possible so I can get to work at a (semi-) reasonable hour. Which means either breakfast in the car (which can be recipe for disaster — pun intended) or at my desk. Smoothies are the only thing I can successfully eat in the car because it requires little effort. Although I spilled one once and the stain is still on my passenger seat but we won’t talk about that right now. You can find my smoothie recipes here.
On my way to PodCamp Pittsburgh last fall, I tried eating a bagel on the way there and ended up knocking the side mirror off of my car when I hit one of those orange and white dividers. Oh, we won’t talk about that either. My poor car.
So where am I going with this? Make your breakfast easy. We don’t need any other hassles in the morning. I saw this tasty little breakfast on Glamour.com today and thought I’d share:
Half a cantaloupe stuffed with yogurt and granola. I’d recommend plain Greek yogurt with some honey drizzled on it. And get your granola from Whole Foods they have the best. YUM.
Having fruit as your bowl saves on cleanup as well. Other breakfast suggestions? If you’re about to run out of peanut or almond butter – save the jar and make oats in a jar (or OIAJ as the food bloggers call it). Make some oatmeal (I like mine with almond milk and a banana – awesome recipe for whipped banana oatmeal here) then dump it in the jar and you get the nutty goodness mixed in. Plus you don’t have to clean a bowl afterward, just toss it away (in the recycle bin).
Check out Eat, Live, Run or Healthy Tipping Point for other easy and healthy breakfast ideas. Now what’s for lunch?