Last night I participated a little bit in #u30pro, a great chat founded by David Spinks and Lauren Fernandez. Their mission is to discuss how to bridge the generational gap, demolish stereotypes and break down differences in the professional workplace. Last night we discussed egos in the workplace, and @SydneyOwen tweeted, “If you’re worried that you’re cocky, do a wordcloud of your blog/tweets/emails, etc. What’s the biggest word? is fab.” So I took her advice and made a word cloud of my blog. This has been around for awhile but it’s good to check-in every now and then to see the topics you are discussing the most. What are YOU blogging about?
ultrarunnerbrianphilpot says
Let’s see, i goto work and nobody care’s about that. So that leave’s my trail running, so that’s my blog and pretty much my life, with how much training it take’s to run 100 mile race’s in the wood’s.
Deanna says
I like to hear all about running 🙂